Digitally Right Hosts First Digital Safety Training of 2024 Under GIF Project
Digitally Right hosted its first Digital Safety Training under the fourth year of the Greater Internet Freedom (GIF) project, a global initiative supported by USAID, on February 10-11, 2024. As part of this effort, Digitally Right collaborated with Internews and EngageMedia to implement the program in Bangladesh. The training was attended by 12 journalists, including 8 male and 4 female, who spent two days learning critical skills for navigating the digital space securely.
The training began with an ice-breaking and introductory session, followed by an overview of the internet, its functioning, and the associated risks. Participants voiced their security concerns, including fears of being surveilled or having their locations tracked through digital devices. These concerns set the stage for the next session, which focused on information security, both online and offline.
After each session, participants practiced using the relevant tools, allowing them to apply what they had learned. The session on tools for safely capturing photos and videos was of particular interest to the group, marking the conclusion of the first day of training.
The second session started with a recap of the previous day’s lessons. Participants then learned about securing communication on both emails and mobile phones. However, they found the mobile phone security training more relevant, as they generally do not use email for confidential information.
Participants then took part in a group activity where they were presented with a scenario and tasked with creating an action plan using the tools they had learned. Following this, they were introduced to the risks associated with digital footprints and instructed on how to protect their privacy while browsing the internet. The session ended with a review of the entire training.